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DETROIT IS THE PLACE TO BEE! -- July 19, 2023, 7pm MDT

Urban Beekeeping in the City of Detroit

Detroit natives, Timothy Jackson and Nicole Lindsey are the Founders and Directors of Detroit Hives; a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to improve underserved communities for people and pollinators. Within seven years, they have using the art of urban beekeeping to create a social, environmental and financial impact by transforming blighted vacant lots into educational apiaries and attractive pollinator habitats. Additionally, their "Bee The Change" Program has educated hundreds of inner city youth on the importance of pollinator conservation.

Awards and Associations:

  • Member of the Michigan Beekeepers Association

  • Member of Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association

  • Member of American Beekeeping Federation

  • 2020 Eco Works Sustainable Community Champion

  • 2020 Environmental Excellence Award from the National Association of Environmental Professions

Following this talk (around 8pm MDT), Ron Mishka and Etienne Tardif of WAS will provide. more info on the upcoming, in-person Calgary Conference.

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