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April 18th Mini-Conference: Bee Diversity & Cultivating Engaged Keepers


Speaker 1:

Mixing it up- What we know about honey bee diversity

Dr. Deborah Delaney, University of Delaware

Speaker 1 Bio:

Deborah Delaney is an associate professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware where she mentors graduate and undergraduate students working on various aspects of pollinator health and productivity. She adores teaching and currently teaches Insects and Society, Apiculture, Pollination Ecology, Aquatic Entomology, Bridging Art and Science: Environmental Communication, Growing Future Naturalists and Insect Pest Management. She has over 30 years of experience working with pollinators, specifically honey bees and maintains between 100-200 colonies in and throughout Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Her research program has four main focal areas: 1) genetic identity and diversity of US honey bees 2) temporal stability of pollinator populations, 3) best management solutions for creating sustainable managed pollinator populations and 4) pollinator nutrition and forage mapping.

Speaker 2:

Engaging beekeepers with exciting programming!

Carolyn Breece, Oregon State University

Talk concept: Carolyn will highlight a few of the many extension activities at Oregon State University: what works well, what completely bombs, and what we can do in the future to cultivate a community of engaged and competent beekeepers.

Speaker 2 Bio:

Carolyn Breece has been a research assistant for the OSU Honey Bee Lab since 2009. She maintains the OSU apiary of 60-80 colonies, provides research support, teaches online beekeeping classes for OSU students, and provides educational workshops and events for Oregon beekeepers. From 2009-2016, she coordinated the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program. Carolyn has a B.S. in biology from University of Oregon and a M.S. in forestry from Northern Arizona University. Her hobbies include keeping bees, talking about bees, worrying about bees, and dreaming about bees.

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